General objectives

Program number: SK09
Project number: DGV02003
Project grant overall amount: 214 014 EUR

The aim of project number DGV02003 – performed within the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic program number SK09 Domestic and Gender-related Violence, co-financed from the Norwegian financial mechanism and a state budget of the Slovak Republic under the title ‘General objectives’ – is to decrease incidents of gender-related violence. The project rolled-out in the Bratislava and Žilina regions. Through the receiver and four project partners, existing counselling centres for women and children in danger of violence were supported.

We can divide the planned activities into two groups:

  • Providing specialized professional services – provided in an ambulatory way, for free, in accordance with European work standards. Counselling was provided by specialists – counsellors, with a long-term practice and education background. All partner organisations provided female victims of violence with a comprehensive counselling service: crisis intervention via hotline, e-mail and face-to-face consultations with clients, preparation for court trials, supportive group meetings, social, legal and psychological counselling for adult clients and their children, legal counselling, preventive and educational activities, assistance in accommodation search and provision, and accompanying clients at various institutions.


  • Increasing service provision quality by educating counsellors. The project’s largest educational activities have been performed in the following areas:


  • Solution-focused attitude in counselling and therapy (160 hours)
  • Violence against children and sexual abuse of children (30 hours)
  • Crisis intervention (16 hours)
  • Purchase of Biofeedback device and training in the use thereof


A press conference at Bratislava Town Council announced the project start, during which the public were informed about planned activities and the project objective. In the first project stage, public procurement was conducted for all educational activities as well as the provision of accommodation and food during these trainings. All educational activities lasted a few days or were long-term.  Attendees of the Solution Focused Attitude in Counselling and Therapy training sat an exam and received a certificate. Educational activities commenced in September 2016 and were completed in March 2017.

During the project, two meetings with all project partners took place at partner organisations in Martin and Žilina. These meetings aimed to exchange know-how, experience and generate discussion focused on creating a leaflet for doctors with general information about how to make contact with a victim of domestic violence, how to help, and what to recommend. We also cooperated with other institutions including the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, the police, and schools.

Number of educational activities


Number of attendees


Volume of all consultations in all organisations


Meetings of partner organisations


Number of created measures


Number of supported centres


Number of counselling activities with women (victims of violence) over one year


Project recipient – ‘Nádej’ Counselling Centre
Project partners:

Náruč’ – help for children in crisis
Citizens’ Association  Woman in Need
Bratislava Crisis Repuls Centre

‘Maják nádeje’ NPO – has completed activities



‘Home must be safe for everyone.’

‘Project financed from a Kingdom of Norway grant by the Norwegian financial mechanism.’

‘Project co-financed by the Slovak Republic stage budget.’

Link for contract published in the Central Contracts Register: